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Capítulo Even the Elf Captain Wants to be a Maiden 32
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Top 10 mangás semelhantes a Even the Elf Captain Wants to be a Maiden
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Capítulo Reincarnated as the Daughter of the Legendary Hero and the Queen of Spirits 67.2,
Capítulo I Grew the Greatest Home Garden with my OP Cultivation Skill? 23.3,
Capítulo I... Don't Want to Work Anymore. I Quit Being an Adventurer For Good and You Can't Stop Me. 24.4,
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Capítulo Reborn as a Feudal Lord Gathering a Talented Elite So This Land Can Thrive by Employing My Past Life Experiences as an Overworked White-Collar Worker 34.4,
Capítulo Frontier Life with a Weird Dragon and an Errand Boy 23.2,
Capítulo I Got Reincarnated as a Son of Innkeepers! 22.5,
Capítulo Even the Elf Captain Wants to be a Maiden 32,
Capítulo The Days After the Hero's Return 26.2
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